Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014
Bringing Out The Abdominal Muscles
There are many ineffective abs exercises out there, so it is important to spend time and energy only on the ones that will actually work.
Try these effective exercises for RIPPED abs:
Crunches -
Lie on an adjustable abs bench with roller pads. Set it to 30
Wrap your legs around the roller pads so that your legs are locked into place.
Your head should be lower than you legs.
Keep hands crossed at chest.
Raise your head and shoulders off the bench.
Contract your abs for a count of two at the top position.
Reps - 15 12 10 8 8
Hanging Leg Raises -
Hang from a chin bar with toes pointing straight ahead.
Raise legs up to just above 90
Hold for a count of 2.
Return to start position.
Don't use momentum to swing your legs up.
Reps - 15 12 10 8 8
Lying Leg Raises -
Lie on a 40 angle bench and grab the bench behind your head with both hands.
Raises legs quickly to 90
Hold the position for a count of 2 while contracting the abs.
Reps - 15 12 10 8 8
Note: You should always check with your GP or Health Practitioner before starting or changing any exercise program.
Here's how it's done:
The above three exercises are done as one Tri-set with no rest in between exercises. The only rest you have is how long it takes you to walk from one exercise to the next.
Do 1 set of Crunches for 15 reps followed immediately by 1 set of Hanging Leg Raises, then onto the Lying Leg Raises.
Rest for 1 minute and repeat the Tri-set above for 12 reps. Rest again for 1 minute and repeat for 10 reps. Then 8 reps and then another 8 reps. The reps should be performed slowly and with full concentration on bringing out the abs.
That's it. Do this twice a week and you should notice a big difference in a few short weeks. If you're looking for more detail on how to Firm and Flatten your Abs then visit
Top 3 Secrets To Build A Huge Muscle >>> Click Here
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