Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014
Build Muscle Faster By Thinking Positive
How To Think Positive
To start off with you need to get motivated, take a few minutes to think about what you want to achieve and why, write it all down so you commit yourself. What is your motivation? If you want to compete that's great, write it down. Many people don't want to compete or become professional bodybuilders, if so that's great too, it might be that you just want to slim down and bulk up, whatever it is, just write down your personal goals.
You need to set yourself long term goals and also short t erm, smaller goals for week to week. Reassess your progress and your goals weekly and adjust them as necessary, keep them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-related. Follow this formula and you will not go far wrong. Always keep an eye on your goals when you are training, this will help you stay motivated when the going gets tough.
Stay Positive
Whatever you do, don't get frustrated, bodybuilding is one of the toughest activities you can do and it can become annoying when you don't see results immediately. The fact is, it takes time to build your perfect body, and it doesn't happen over night. And depending on your body type, fitness levels and eating habits prior to starting training your results will be faster or slower to achieve, so you have to set your goals appropriately.
If you follow a proven training plan, do the proper exercises and stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle, you will noticeably lose weight and build muscle within 3 weeks. If you are a real beginner you should speak to a personal trainer or do some research and find an appropriate plan to follow. They will be able to show you proper form and also give you tips to help you hit your goals. Once you start to see results you won't look back, so don't get discouraged early on.
Finally stay dedicated and if you find that bodybuilding is not for, look for something that you enjoy for example I also enjoy martial arts and hill running, you may find that swimming is better for you. To stay dedicated, find a training partner and work with them to stay on track and motivated, having a training partner makes a big difference. You can compete with each other and really push yourselves, and you'll be much less likely to skip a session.
In conclusion you should enjoy your training, it maybe hard and sometimes you might feel like giving up, but if you keep your goals in sight and stay dedicated you'll see improvements. And once you start to see your muscles bulging and your six-pack appearing, it will inspire you to work harder. Stick to your training program and go for your goals and you'll have the body of your dreams in no time.
Top 3 Secrets To Build A Huge Muscle >>> Click Here
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